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Paths to Freelance Editing Careers: Becoming a Fiction Editor

From: $162.00

Paths to Freelance Editing Careers: Becoming a Fiction Editor

These webinars, self-paced courses, and traditional courses cover all aspects of working with fiction manuscripts, from beta reading to copyediting. As you consider areas of specialty, learn what it might be like to develop books for children and teens, edit romance novels, or work with self-published authors. Purchase three or more and save 10% on the list price!

We regularly offer other traditional courses for line editing and developmental editing of fiction, as well as classes on specific fields and genres. Check our courses page to see when the next sessions are running.

  • Intro to Becoming a Professional Beta Reader

    Webinar recording

  • Developmental Editing of Fiction: Beginning

    Self-paced course

  • Developmental Editing of Fiction: Intermediate

    Four-week traditional course, March 12–April 8

  • Listen to the Music: Introduction to Line Editing

    Webinar recording

  • Line Editing of Commercial Fiction: Beginning

    Four-week traditional course, March 5–April 1

  • Copyediting Fiction

    Self-paced course

  • Romance for Editors: Working with Archetypes, Tropes, and Genre Conventions

    Webinar recording

  • Editing Children's Picture Books

    Six-week traditional course, February 5–March 18

  • Editing Young Adult Fiction

    Self-paced course

  • Working with Indie Authors

    Self-paced course


  • Please choose at least 3 items.
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SKU: 276279


"Professional beta reading is a valuable service for indie authors—but it's important to know what it entails." —Mary DeSantis, instructor

Intro to Becoming a Professional Beta Reader

Want to add beta reading to your list of services but unsure where to start? Stumped by how to differentiate between beta reading and developmental editing in terms of pricing and scope? Heck, unsure exactly what beta reading entails? Beta reading has traditionally been a free service exchanged within writing groups, but it has gained traction as a professional service in the last few years—one that requires a different approach than editing. In this intro-level webinar, I’ll walk you through the basics of beta reading, how it differs from editing, and deciding if it’s something you want to offer. At the end of the 60 minutes, you’ll have the tools to structure your beta reading service, including pricing, scope, and setting expectations (both for yourself and for clients).

"Developmental editors are detectives and solution finders." —Val Mathews, instructor

Developmental Editing of Fiction: Beginning

Developmental editors (DEs) are all about the big picture. They assess how a manuscript hangs together as a whole, how a story moves and unfurls, how characters drive the story forward. And above all, DEs are the author’s collaborating partner—they hone the writer’s unique voice and make the author’s vision their vision. This self-paced introductory course is meant for anyone who wants to help authors shape their stories, develop their storytelling grit, and conquer the boring in their manuscripts. It covers what every DE needs to know to start working in the industry.

"Developmental editors make the author's vision their vision." —Val Mathews, instructor

Four-week traditional course, beginning March 12: Developmental Editing of Fiction: Intermediate

If you have experience in fiction developmental editing (or if you’ve completed “Developmental Editing of Fiction: Beginning”), this four-week class will take your skills to the next level. It goes beyond the beginner course to expand on the fundamentals of DE, including structure, beats, pacing, and character development. As a developmental editor, your task is both delicate and transformative. This course will prime you for success in a challenging, inspiring career.

"Where does line editing fall on the editorial spectrum? Come learn about its challenges and rewards." —Christina Frey, instructor

Listen to the Music: Introduction to Line Editing

If developmental editing helps shape a story and copyediting polishes it, line editing is what makes the writing come alive. Line editors listen to the music behind the written word. This webinar will challenge developmental editors and copyeditors to approach editing from the middle distance, connecting with the writing while detaching from the big picture or the small cleanup issues. We’ll talk about authorial voice, discuss how to work with writing on a line level, and work through a few examples comparing line editing to other editorial phases.

"Line editing brings out the author's unique voice to connect readers to the heart of the story." —Amber Helt, instructor

Four-week traditional course, beginning March 5: Line Editing of Commercial Fiction: Beginning

Developmental editing and copyediting perch at opposite peaks of the editorial process, handling story structure and grammar usage respectively, while line editing navigates the valley between them to refine both narrative flow and syntactical styling. It’s the bridge that connects the grand architecture of storytelling with the intricate details of language mechanics, offering writers a holistic approach to enhancing their most important feature: their voice. In this four-week introduction to line editing, we’ll cover everything you’ll need to start working professionally with market-bound authors.

"Fiction copyeditors need a specialized, nuanced skillset to success. This class teachers you all the essentials, at your own pace." —Lourdes Venard, instructor

Copyediting Fiction

Fiction copyeditors not only look for misspellings and punctuation errors, but edit for voice and technique. This self-paced class will explore the differences between fiction and nonfiction editing, where copyediting ends and developmental editing begins, and common manuscript errors. We’ll examine style issues particular to fiction, including the mechanics of dialogue and interior monologue, narration flaws, and authorial voice. The course also provides information on breaking into fiction editing and working with indie authors or new writers.

"Learn the fundamentals of romance tropes and archetypes to help writers make them fresh and new." —Megan Hennessey, instructor

Romance for Editors: Working with Archetypes, Tropes, and Genre Conventions

Romance is full of character archetypes and story tropes that need to be wielded purposefully to build an engaging story. This 90-minute workshop will introduce you to common archetypes and tropes found in romance subgenres, from the bad-boy billionaire to the second chance at love. Learning these story fundamentals will give you new tools to use when it comes time to break out your red pen, while also helping you support authors in finding surprising, fun ways to introduce readers to their favorite tropes and archetypes. This webinar is suitable for both new and experienced romance editors, and it’s a great introduction to editing this genre if you’ve been curious about it!

"Picture books make a magical impression that lasts a lifetime. Help authors create that magic!" —Lou Piccolo, instructor

Six-week traditional course, beginning February 5: Editing Children’s Picture Books

Editing picture books requires specialized knowledge and techniques. This course is a comprehensive guide ensuring you can help your client to produce a properly structured manuscript with a forward-moving plot, essential obstacles, and memorable characters. At the end of this class, you will be able to identify the characteristics of a picture book, understand how these characteristics work together, and learn how to identify meter, rhyme scheme, and rhyme crimes in rhyming picture books.

"YA fiction has exploded in recent years. Learn how to edit this fast-paced category of fiction and expand your skill set." —Lou Piccolo, instructor

Editing Young Adult Fiction

The stories told in young adult fiction are as unique and varied as its young audience. Developmental editing of a YA novel is a specific task requiring a different approach from editing adult novels. The secret to editing YA fiction is being able to place yourself into a teen’s head and experience, identifying with teen characters and how they express themselves. Can you remember the wild highs and lows of your teenage years? Be ready to time travel back to the teenage you! This self-paced class will teach you: what YA is and how it is unique; the popular genres in YA; how to ensure a book is teen-centric, particularly through editing for authentic and realistic teen voice and dialogue; and much more.

"Learn to create positive ongoing working relationships, use your time efficiently, and be an asset to the indie authors who hire you." —Tanya Gold, instructor

Working with Indie Authors

With an author-centric approach, this workshop-style course gives you context by showing you where you are in the industry, helps you develop a marketing strategy to target the indie authors you want to work with, and guides you through developing tools that allow you to communicate effectively with prospective clients, pitch your services, and ensure your clients are on the same page as you.

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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